
Showing posts from April, 2022

acceptU: 藤校要求那么高,应该在什么阶段怎样提升孩子的申请竞争力?

  藤校要求那么高, 应该在什么阶段怎样提升孩子的申请竞争力? 让Cornell前招生办副主任将给大家带来一场线上讲座和案例分析! 他将以过去两年的申请者为例,深度剖析怎样profile的申请者会被录取;揭秘招生官们偏爱什么样的学生,教你识别所谓的“申请技巧”可能是导致最后收到拒信的“申请误区”等等。机会难得,抓紧报名: FREE Webinars  Date: 5/10, 8pm EDT Register: Speaker: Arthur Smith worked in admissions at Cornell for ten years and athletics admissions for four years. He was also a varsity coach at Cornell for 20 years. Who gets into Ivy League colleges – and why? A Note from AcceptU's Founders We met in the admissions office at Cornell University more than 20 years ago. Today, AcceptU is the #1 rated admissions consulting firm, with hundreds of 5-star verified reviews. Our biggest asset and differentiator is – and always has been – our exceptional team of counselors, all of whom are former admissions officers from highly selective colleges and universities. Leveraging their prior admissions experience, AcceptU’s counselors empower our clients with the